
Who are we?
Our company, the HungaRoots Kft. is a company registered in Hungary, the main field of activity of which is providing genealogic - that is family history research ‑ services.
Tax number: 13249212-2-41
Registration number in the Company Register: 01-09-725749
Phone: +36 209690422
E-mail: info@hungaroots.hu
The founders of the HungaRoots Kft. are private persons who owe an experience of many years in the field of the family research. There is also a lawyer among the owners, who deals responsibly, efficiently and correctly with the processes in the legacy affairs.
We believe that the genealogic researches and services will further integrate the unified Europe, since in the future we will be in a community not only in our genes and history, but in the sense of politics and society, as well. This process will necessarily activate the desire for the community in the people, what will be independent from the previous frontiers. The most important condition of the desire is, however to know, who we are, where are we coming from and whom are we in relationship with. The unified Europe will necessarily and automatically revalue the connections with the persons living in the oversea countries, and also we would like to give some assistance in this to you and to your family.
Family research:
Our genes have been genetically inherent for thousands of years from one generation to the other. Research and discovery of the connections between the different generations - or by other word: descents - itself is the genealogy, that is family research.
If you want to get any answer to your questions in connection with the research, you have nothing else to do but to consult with our expert, who will offer you the method for researching your family history, which suits the best to your requirements and to your purse.
With the use of any of the further featured family research services the memory will be possible to become to a definite knowledge and by this in addition you may complete your family tree you have known until now with a number of generations.
Your children and your grandchildren will be grateful to you for receiving this knowledge completely, what you hand over them on the past.
If also you want to know the history of your family, you are curios to know your origin, your ascendants and your still living relatives not known by you until now, we offer you our services featured below in order to draw up your family tree.
a) Research in the Registers
Within the frontiers of the historical Hungary in the following territories:
- the recent Hungary
- Hihghland (nowadays Slovakia)
- Burgenland (nowadays Austria)
- Transylvania (nowadays Romania)
Church Registers:
Church registers (birth, mortality, marriage) are usually at disposal from the beginning of the 18th Century up to 1895. In can happen, of course that there are existing also previous registers like those but, unfortunately it can be the case that they had been more or less wrecked during the years.
State Registers:
As of 1st October, 1895 the state registrations became legal. Researching in these is more difficult, since the Hungarian legal rules - in order to protect the personal rights and data - regulate the limits of the research.
b) Drawing up a Family Tree:
On the basis of the found entries in the registers and of other data we put each member of the family ordered in a family tree in printed and digitalized form at your disposal. The completed family tree can optionally be further extended or amended.
Ask for our detailed offer.
c) Research in the Records (Archives):
A research in the records (archives) may complete the research in the state register, during which the civil status, the occupation, the property status, etc. of the family, or the person in the research explored from the different recordings can be made clear.
In a successful case there are still existing correspondences, litigation documents, which can provide more accurate information for the researcher.
Ask for our detailed offer: info@hungaroots.hu